3 Contoh Cerita Liburan Idul Fitri 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris dan Artinya -

Simak contoh cerita lebaran Idul Fitri 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris beserta artinya berikut ini.

Contoh cerita lebaran Idul Fitri ini bisa dijadikan referensi sebagai tugas sekolah.

Selama perayaan lebaran, baik pekerja, mahasiswa maupun pelajar akan merasakan libur lebaran.

Selama libur tersebut, tentu saja akan banyak cerita-cerita yang menyentuh hati.

Biasaya pelajar yang sekolah akan mendapatkan tugas untuk menceritakan momen sewaktu libur lebaran.

Berikut ini contoh cerita lebaran Idul Fitri 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris berikut ini:

Contoh 1

Idulfitri in Grand Mother’s House

Every year, I spend my Iedul Fitri day in my grand mother's house. There, I gathered with my cousin, aunt and uncle.We ate together in living room. My cousin cooked opor, sate pusut and etc. We enjoyed the food.It tasted more delicious when I ate it with people that I love. After eating, we talked together. My uncle and aunt were busy asking about my future plan. I was shy to answered their question.

After that, we took picture together. In the evening, I felt so tired and I immediately went to bed.The second day of iedul fitri, I stills stayed in my grandmother's house. We waited for the guest who wanted to meet us.That day, my mother cooked different foods from what are always served in Idul Fitri.In the evening, my uncle came and brought fireworks. We played fireworks at the yard.What a beautiful night. We saw the beauty of fireworks sparkling on the dark sky.

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